Love These Two Side Printing Poly Mailers But The Back Side Was Upside Down
Aloha, The printing is gorgeous and I am happy with this trial, but the back side was upside down and I couldn't tell from the proof that it wouldn't be the same side up from the front. I would have given this a 3.5 review, but chose to round up. I guess it is how it is printed, but the back side image could have easily been turned the other way for a better match and 5 star review. For those with two sided horizontal graphic prints like mine, I would recommend more notes on the proof page showing top and bottom and left and right for both the front and back images and a horizontal side by side (instead of vertical) to help people better see what the final product will look like, especially when people order extra like me to try your hot sauce. Mahalo for Special Deals which allows people like me to try your service and work out the kinks. If I had paid full price, I would have asked for them to be redone. I am looking forward to delicious hot sauce. : D Pamela