Get verified

US$10 credit + access to money making features.

Available in limited countries with a valid ID. See full program rules

3 reasons to get verified

US$10 credit

US$10 credit

Receive a US$10 credit to spend on anything once you verify your ID.



Gain access to commissions and get paid referring others to Sticker Mule.



Gain access to markup and make money selling products in your store.

Get verified to make money

Instantly get a US$10 credit then start making money in your sleep with Sticker Mule Stores and Commissions. Sell online, and we handle everything from delivery to customer service so you can sit back, relax and get paid. And, best of all, you'll earn 10% when your customers buy any Sticker Mule products for 1 year. Only available for verified accounts.

Join 17,562 people making money with the Mule.