Decent quality for the price


I took advantage of one of Sticker Mule's fabulous deals to get 10 keychains for $9. It's been a good way to test the quality of the product. I find the keychain seems relatively sturdy, but only time will tell how long the flexible plastic connector between the metal ring and the acrylic design piece will last. The design itself is on some sort of sticker attached to one side of the clear acrylic. Be sure to follow the instructions to peel off the protective film on the other side in order to see the full beauty of your design! The edges and corners (we left square corners on our design) are a little sharper than I'd like, and the corners might poke uncomfortably in a pocket. Next time I'll be sure to design something rounded. Two design notes (advice): 1. Be sure to build in the amount of margin that you want for your design, because they don't seem to add any. If I could post a picture, you'd see what I mean. Some of the writing is so close to the edge of the acrylic that it is obscured by the edge at certain angles. And the plastic connector overlaps one part of the design because it's so close to the edge of the acrylic. 2. If your design has text or elements that leaves the clear acrylic showing, it may be difficult to see or read when the keychain is on various backgrounds. Dark text will disappear when set on a dark tabletop, for example. So if you want your design to pop and stay visible all the time, be sure to include a background color that works for that, rather than leaving the background transparent. I intend to order more, now that I understand the design issues above. A fun piece of swag to offer our customers or convention booth visitors.


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