Currently, we do not offer digital gift cards.
Yes. To use your gift cards, you'll need to create an account.
No. There is no minimum required to use your gift cards balance.
When logged in, your gift card balance is shown in your account summary.
No. If your order total is less than your gift card balance, only that amount will be used.
Additionally, you can choose whether or not to apply your gift card balance at checkout…
Your gift card will arrive in 2-5 business days.
We currently do not support splitting gift card orders into multiple shipments going to separate addresses. Currently, we require one order per shipping address.
Yes. Any orders greater than €27 (before tax) will use store credit balances first, with the option to use any remaining gift card balance.
Gift cards have no expiration date. Redeem to your gift card balance in your account and use anytime.
Gift cards have no fees and can be used on all custom products.