Campaign badges

Campaign badges

Personalised campaign badges feature full colour printing and a durable steel pin-back. Use campaign badges to spread your message, identify your volunteers, and rally support. Free delivery.

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Campaign badges
Free delivery in 4 days

Free delivery in 4 days

Get your campaign badges fast with 4 day turnaround and free delivery.

Get an online proof

Get an online proof

Review your proof shortly after checkout and request changes until you're happy.

Durable & weatherproof

Durable & weatherproof

Thick, durable vinyl protects your campaign badges from scratching, rain & sunlight.

Vote for quality

Upload your campaign logo or other artwork and we'll send you a free proof within hours showing you how your campaign badges will look. You can request changes such as changing the colour, adding a border or rim text, and more until you're happy. Once approved, we begin production on your high-quality campaign badges immediately and ship them within 4 days for free.

From the school board to City Hall and beyond

Personalised pin-back campaign badges are a cost effective way to bring your message to thousands of voters to encourage votes and support for your campaign. Whether you're running in a local race for the school board or mayor or at a state or national level as a governor, senator or beyond, campaign badges are a tried and true part of every election strategy. Give away your campaign badges at big events like rallies or outfit your volunteers with your badges as they canvass door-to-door.

Reviews for campaign badges

  • 4.7 / 5

  • 3 993

    Total reviews

  • 93%

    Would order again

  • GF
    Graham Fuller

    Sticker Mule was consistent in their ordering, production and delivery service of my third order.First rate.

  • LV
    Lisa Varey

    Stickermule always have very responsive and helpful customer service and our badges are of a great quality. Thank you!

  • GF
    Graham Fuller

    My repeat order for more badges was handled efficiently, promptly and professionally. From the straight forward ordering and proofing process, to the reliable tracking and delivery, the service was excellent.Long may it remain so. The badges were as described.

  • GF
    Graham Fuller

    I randomly chose Sticker Mule. From the simplicity of ordering on line, to the up-to-date progress reporting of my order, to the prompt delivery, with accurate tracking, to the quality of their badges, and the efficiency of their staff.Exceptional!!!!

  • SG
    Sebastian Garner

    These are good quality badges but the only thing I would like to say is that the pin’s are not lined up properly you have manually move the pin into the correct position

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