I received my order today and reached out to customer service to see why my order was printed differently than I expected. Long story short, I submitted my order and I wanted my image printed landscape on the label (Size 2 H x 1.75 W). When I tried to put them on the ChapStick holders they were too long because the image was printed Portrait (Image Up and Down) not landscape. I kept trying to explain what I needed, they asked me to resize the image again. I did and sent the image in LANDSCAPE. So, then they said send it with the image up and down (PORTRAIT). Then I did and once I said something about the software, they are using....I ruffled some feathers. Then I got a sarcastic email response. I'm not a rookie at this, I've set up labels before and had no issues getting them printed until now. YOU DON'T TREAT YOUR CUSTOMERS ANY KIND OF WAY!!! IN EXCUSABLE!!!