
  • Returns & refunds

    We maintain a less than 1% defect rate. However, if there is an issue with your order, contact usand provide a photograph that indicates a problem. We'll reproduce any defective it…
  • How do I return my order if I'm not satisfied?

    Contact us and attach a photograph that indicates the problem and we will address it accordingly. We typically do not require a physical return.
  • What if my order is delivered late?

    You're entitled to a store credit if your order is delivered beyond the promised date. Please contact us so we can help. Related FAQ: When will my order arrive?
  • Can I return my order if I do not like it?

    If there is a problem with your order, contact us and attach a photograph that indicates the problem and we will address it accordingly. Quality issues are rare, but they happen on…
  • What do you mean by satisfaction guarantee?

    If there's a quality problem with your order, contact us and we will replace any defective units for free.
  • What if I receive the incorrect quantity?

    We aim to be within 10 percent of your requested order amount. It's more likely there will be extra units in your shipment. But, if your order is short, contact us and we will rush…