
  • 4.7 / 5

  • 334,742

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  • 93%

    Volvería a hacer un pedido

  • N

    me encanto, esta bellisimoooo

  • MM
    Mar Moya

    Me encanto

  • D

    No llegan el día programado, lleva 4 días de retraso y siguen sin llegar. Se ocupaban hoy en la mañana.

  • Anaeli Santiago

    Muy buenas, mas ofertas de stickerss ;)

  • Jessica Strain

    I ordered two extra large heather grey t-shirts with my business banner printed on the upper left quadrant. The shirts are made of nice material and fit comfortably. My logo is printed clearly and exactly as uploaded. I would have preferred to have my logo printed on the back, but being as that wasn't an option, I like what I chose.

  • Anónimo

    I reached out to tell Sticker Mule I never received my stickers and they never got back to me...after ordering from them many many times this is dishearting

  • QR
    Query-Point Info Roster

    We followed both the instructions and the suggestions from StickerMule and the result came out just like we hoped. Plus, we are able to set up a 'store' so broker agencies may order stickers directly from StickerMule, allowing us to promote our service nationwide. Thanks Sticker Mule!

  • Don Amerson

    The keychains are a good value. Be aware that the back is not sealed in the clear material. The decal is a high-quality decal that can peel off. I would skip this keychain and look for a higher quality one on this site.

  • KS
    Kelly Souder

    I'm usually skeptical about items used for shipping and the quality. I want to make sure our packages look amazing while also holding up in shipping across the country. Sticker Mule did it with their packaging tape! We'll definitely be reordering.

  • JM
    John T Mulcahy

    Everything we have ordered has been outstanding! priced right and on time.