Love the product and the prices but the shipping and business side need to be cleaned up.
I really do love the product and the prices, I've ordered a few stickers and once they arrive I've been happy with them (although this last order is slightly misregistered, not enough to deal with, but just enough to make me give it a frown star instead of just an ok star). I did contact StickerMule when the stickers were delayed and had very pleasant and prompt responses. The system kept throwing an error when I went in to make sure everything was reviewed. The stickers were then even later than my promised date, so once I'd gone back to the client with a revised date we still didn't hit it. And then I received the "Rate your order" email two days before the stickers finally arrived. By all means though, I do recommend StickerMule — the stickers are awesome and they have great prices on a notoriously difficult / expensive item to order. I hope that my feedback will help promote more effort on the business/shipping side of things though. I will just plan ahead and pad the dates and check on my order more often through the process to prevent my clients from being unhappy.