Tuxedo Ranch Rooster Pin

द्वारा Ali Burrell


27 mm × 32 mm

क्वानटिटी सिलेक्ट करें

मुफ़्त शिपिंग

मुफ़्त शिपिंग

आपके pins अधिकांश देशों में मुफ़्त शिपिंग के साथ तेजी से वितरित किये जाते हैं।

सॉफ्ट क्लच

सॉफ्ट क्लच

प्रत्येक ऐक्रेलिक पिन में आपके कपड़ों या सहायक वस्तुओं को आसानी से बांधने के लिए एक नरम PVC क्लच होता है।

फुल कलर प्रिंटिंग

फुल कलर प्रिंटिंग

हमारे pins बिना किसी अतिरिक्त कीमत के फुल कलर में प्रिंट किए जाते हैं।

pins के लिए समीक्षाएं

  • 4.1 / 5

  • 10,193

    कुल समीक्षाएं

  • 76%

    फिर से ऑर्डर करना चाहेंगे

  • CJ
    Carl Fabrizio, Jr.

    Precisely made custom logo pins made of a light-weight acrylic type material. Very stylish and professional looking!

  • Ride The Teacups

    Right off the bat - these don't compare to our enamel pins (which we buy elsewhere). Not even close. But it's not trying to be, and the price reflects that (thus the 5-star review). These turned out great for us. This is an amazing option as a promo item. Next time I'll get a larger size, but the quality is significantly better than I had expected. Can't beat it for the price point.

  • Emily Zhang

    First batch of pins came out lopsided. I reached out to customer service and they promptly deemed it was a production error so they scheduled a free reorder, that I received only 3 days later! Unfortunately the image is still not quite centered (not as noticeably so though), but for the money I suppose it is not a bad deal. I'm working on a budget so this accomplished my needs.

  • KJ
    Kevin Johnson

    Not a huge fan of these pins. Was under the impression they were enamel or atleast metal as they appeared to me on the website. I was planning to give them away anyways but I was hoping for enamel pins not plastic

  • G

    Très bonne qualité

Ali Burrell से अधिक

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