Stickers look great!


I saw Sticker Mule at Ruby Hoedown a couple years ago and thought “What a neat business to be in” and “Man, those are some nice stickers.” Anywho, time came that I wanted some stickers of my own and I remembered Sticker Mule, and ordered away. Other than a little hiccup with UPS trying to deliver to the wrong side of the US, I am extremely happy with the stickers. I got really fast feedback regarding my order and really fast support when I looked at the shipping page and realized it was all wonky. The stickers have clean cuts, and were packaged well enough that I only notice scuffing on a few of the ones near the outside edge of the shipping package. The printed colors are a little darker than I expected, but they still look great. Happy to have my stickers and get them so quickly from Sticker Mule. :D


इस तरह से? अपना खुद का आयताकार स्टीकर्स ऑर्डर करना भी आसान है 🙂