Wrong Size

I placed my order being leery of doing an online proof without seeing anything or talking to anyone. Well, they made the wrong size sticker. I ordered a 3x5 sized sticker, and I swear I proofed a 3x5 sticker, but I got 1000 1x2 stickers. When I said that I wouldn't have proofed a 1x2 sticker with all that text, I was told that I did. Even if I did, (which I didn't), why would someone not call and say, "Hey, those stickers you ordered won't be legible at the size you requested. Are you sure that's what you want?" This is ridiculous that I would order 1000 sticker 1 inch by 2 inches with text all over them. It's not even legible. Great price, but I won't order again.
