Recensioni per vetrofanie

  • 4.6 / 5

  • 688

    Recensioni totali

  • 91%

    Ordinerebbe di nuovo

  • CV
    Cappiello Vito

    Adesivi perfetti

  • AC
    Andrea Carturan

    Bellissimi adesivi, ottima qualità e tempi di spedizione ottimi.

  • As
    Aero Gravity srl

    Vetrofanie perfette

  • TR
    Tommaso Raspatelli

    Sono delle vetrofanie perfette con una stampa di qualità

  • GA
    Gianni Attura

    Ringrazio per la rapidità della consegna e della qualità degli adesivi che ho consegnato all’associazione di cii faccio parte alla quale mi hanno fatto tutti i complimenti. Grazie e saluti

  • KJ
    Kathryn Jarden

    Excellent Service and prompt delivery :-)

  • ES
    Edmund Johnston Smith

    Very happy to have these. I only ordered 10, not wanting to make my full bulk order until I saw the quality. I'm the new president of the Connecticut Botanical Society and want to build pride and recognition for our organization. 40 years ago we had window stickers for our old logo. Now our members will advertise with pride and probably we'll get new members. My Board meeting is in a few days...

  • DH
    David Brockington-Hill

    Exactly what I ordered and a really quick turn around Thank you for such prompt and quality service - as always!

  • Co60 Membership Secretary

    We asked Sticker Mule if they could produce a front stick sticker that we could use as a parking permit on members cars in their windscreens. They replied promptly and asked for our design. The design was sent and a proof was returned within a few hours. We then placed a small order to check and they were fantastic, so we ordered 350 more. Would highly recommend Sticker Mule for all Of Your st...

  • PH
    Porcheron Heloise
