Beoordelingen voor bedrukte t-shirts
4.4 / 5
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- R
- Lorcana
Got this in a super deal, so that might be why the printing quality is less good. The blue parts were sadly not nicely colored (bit spotty), but for the price I paid I'm still happy with it!
- Lorcana
Got a damaged shirt, so it was replaced for free, perfect service!
- RRalph
Nice quality, long lasting. And after ordering a couple during the last years I would buy them again
- ppwavg
The quality is really good and the process of creating a custom design is really easy. My only remark is that the sizing is something to take into account XL is MUCH bigger in the US than in the EU
- AFAnemoon Fokkinga
Mooie lange shirts, zeer duidelijke witte bedrukking op zwart. Goede kwaliteit.
- AFAnemoon Fokkinga
Mooie lange shirts, zeer duidelijke witte bedrukking op zwart. Goede kwaliteit.
- AFAnemoon Fokkinga
Mooie lange shirts, zeer duidelijke witte bedrukking op zwart. Goede kwaliteit.
- AFAnemoon Fokkinga
Mooie lange shirts, zeer duidelijke witte bedrukking op zwart. Goede kwaliteit.