Avaliações de amostras de adesivos glitter

  • 4.7 / 5

  • 457

    Total de avaliações

  • 95%

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  • AH
    Alena Han

    The sticker quality itself is really good, however, we did a white logo which is real life is very hard to see against the glittery background. Would order again but just change the logo color.

  • CB
    Catherine Bramblett

    very clear print and clean cut for all stickers. Very satisfied!!

  • JM
    Joanna Miller

    The title says it all really..thanks for kicking a**, can’t wait to sell the hell outta these!

  • Antoine COLLIN

    Les paillettes tiennent bien dans le temps et la qualité est excellente

  • Frisby

    Like with my Japanese Kokeshi sticker, this one also turned out gorgeous with the colors, and the glitter only adds to the style.

  • Frisby

    The colors on her turned out better than I expected, and definitely love how it looks with the glitter.

  • AZ
    Andrea Zanetti

    Prova per adesivi glitter fantastici, qualità molto alta, produzione veloce, tutto perfetto.

  • Scott Tallian

    Sticker samples showed up quickly and looked exactly as I'd hoped. Thank you

  • BE
    Bethany Evans

    I used a black-and-white illustration for contrast; the white portion was the glitter. These stickers shine in the sun beautifully, like mermaid scales.

  • TP
    Talisa Palmer

    I got these to celebrate my sister’s upcoming celebration for competing in the USOA national pageant. These turned out great!!