Évaluations de vitrophanies

  • 4.6 / 5

  • 690

    Évaluations totales

  • 91%

    Repasserait une commande

  • E

    Stickers parfaitement conformes à ce qui était souhaité, et livrés dans les temps. merci.

  • MF
    Marc Fatou

    Je m'attendais à un sticker comme un autocollant classic mais il n'en est rien. Il faut dire que sur le site tout cela n'est pas très clair.

  • LV
    Les Vignettes Vertes

    Very good quality stickers, fast delivery, and very effective after-sales service! Thanks a lot !

  • LV
    Les Vignettes Vertes

    Very good quality stickers, fast delivery, and very effective after-sales service! Thanks a lot !

  • LV
    Les Vignettes Vertes

    Very good quality stickers, fast delivery, and very effective after-sales service! Thanks a lot !

  • LV
    Les Vignettes Vertes

    Very good quality stickers, fast delivery, and very effective after-sales service! Thanks a lot !

  • Tom Lupei

    I have a Hobby business that supplies specialty racing stickers to specific 1980s sport car owners. These owners are adidment about keeping their cars original in appearance. Stickermule has helped me in design and supply to make this happen.

  • Colfax Visitor Center

    Great window decals, excellent customer service and fast production

  • KJ
    Kathryn Jarden

    Excellent Service and prompt delivery :-)

  • ES
    Edmund Johnston Smith

    Very happy to have these. I only ordered 10, not wanting to make my full bulk order until I saw the quality. I'm the new president of the Connecticut Botanical Society and want to build pride and recognition for our organization. 40 years ago we had window stickers for our old logo. Now our members will advertise with pride and probably we'll get new members. My Board meeting is in a few days...