Good quality print and material, still get bubbling on application though

The print quality of the decal is top-notch, and the packaging came with helpful wall-friendly tape strips to "pin up" your decal and hold the part you were not applying in place. Upon application, using the smoothing tool, everything looked great and crisp, and the white vinyl blended very well with our wall. Unfortunately, within 10 minutes we had bubbling begin to appear from sections that looked perfectly smooth before. Even after reapplying and resmoothing these sections according to the packaged directions, we still would see bubbles appear again in various places. Whether this is a product of the wall texture underneath, or the trade-off for being able to reapply it multiply times (hence the back wasn't as sticky as you would need to have bubble-free application), we aren't sure. Either way, we are hoping that with continuous monitoring we can eventually smooth it enough that the bubbling relaxes over time and eventually stops reappearing.


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